Monday, 8 February 2016

Activities to do in Goa

It is hard to define a versatile place like Goa. Whether you want to get wet in rain with full freedom or wish to dance like a free soul under an open sky; whether you want to play with different facets of waters or just wish to swim like a fish; whether you want to sit and breathe freely at an extremely calm place or wish to celebrate with friends at a pub; whether you want to bike on empty and smooth roads with your sweetheart or wish to have romantic moments, whether you want to sit by the beach and enjoy waves or wish to see several changing expressions of the sea, Goa continues to turn its lovers into a happy camper. Here is a list of activities in Goa that you must try. 

Water Sports

When you are in Goa, water sports in something to indulge in. Most people pay repetitive visits to Goa for its exciting water sports. Skiing, sailing, scuba diving, swimming, parasailing, water scooting, and angling are the favourite activities to do in Goa.

Bike Riding

Wow! What an experience! Hire a bike and thrill Goa with vrooming sounds. Biking on the clean roads covered with coconut trees on both sides is an incredible experience in Goa. If you are a riding fiend, do not go a day without bike. 

Enjoy Night Life

Goa night life is one great reason that people love to come here over and over again. Entirely soaked in joy and fun, Goa seems to be the most loyal friend to its guests.

Shopping at Anjuna Flea Market

From junk jewellery, earrings, bags, footwear to electronic appliances, anything can be found under the sun in the Anjuna flea market.

A Visit to Spice Plantation

Have a look at spice business by riding on an elephant. It will surely serve as one of the great experiences in Goa.

Book a room at Hotel Mira, Goa and see one of the treasures of India.

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